Successful Introverted Women Overcome Self Sabotage to Fulfil Their Goals.


The Visionary Introverted Womens Guide to Overcoming Self-Sabotage

  • Do you find you are consistently telling yourself that you are not good enough?

  • Are you waiting for someone to tell you what to do or to help you out of your situation?

  • Do you start a new project with excitement and then abandon it suddenly when it gets tough?

  • Do you you feel you  need to get out of your head or your own way to achieve success?

  • If you answered Yes! to any of the above questions, you may be sabotaging yourself.

12 Self Sabotaging Behaviours You May Recognise in Yourself How To Overcome Them

As an Introverted woman, do you find that you constantly self-sabotage without realising? You may have had the phrase "You only have yourself to blame".   This is partly true. Yes there are challenges that come from being introverted in a very extroverted world, but guess what, rather than use your external environment and circumstances as  barrier to change, you have the capacity to change from the inside out.   Your first step to start leading yourself towards your desired outcomes is slef leadership that drives towards discovering what is holding you back or standing in your way.  Start today by   Downloading this free resource to find out the 12 Key Sabotaging behaviours that can stand in the way of you achieving progress and the mindset and emotional shifts that will help you intentional squash these behaviours for good. 

Hi, I am Patience aka the Visionary Introverted Woman...

I am passionate about living an empowered life. Entrepreneurship is one of the most potent ways of achieving this. 

I am an Aligned Business Strategist and Trainer, Certified and Licensed Transformational Coach, Disc Behavioural Expert and Emotional Intelligence Expert, Inspirational Speaker, and Trainer. Some have called me a "Treasure Hunter''  and I love to see myself as someone who helps you bring out the treasure in you and achieve your full potential.

I am the founder of ATI Coaching Consulting and Training Ltd and Creator of the Aligned Business Blueprint (ABB) for Introverted Female Entrepreneurs

I believe introversion gives me purpose and I continuously work to increase my self-awareness and leverage my introvert super-powers to thrive in life and business. 

I help introverted female entrepreneurs and leaders like you overcome self-doubt, harness your introvert super-powers and develop tenacity to build an aligned business that successfully creates presence, positions you in your marketplace as an authority thereby helping you generate consistent leads, income and profit

Having someone in your corner helping you to get to your dream business built and growing is  invaluable, as the saying goes, "a burden shared is a burden halved"

I am bringing together my wealth of knowledge acquired from my training, setting up my own business, being an Executive Director of the renowned, John Maxwell Team and having behind me the backing of my own personal high performance coach and mentors. 

I am super excited that you have opted in to receive this resource which will help you remove barriers to you being able to deliver your genius to the world and thrive! 

To Your Success,

Patience Ogunbona

Carolina Reinhardt
Founder Chk, Fashion

I am so thankful for you Patience, You have encouraged me to step out of my fear and comfort zone , your tools and strategies are helping me build confidence and now I know I am on my way and on fire.

Marie's Style Aisle

Patience is shaping my mindset on the importance of writing plans and using the power of reflection to assess what works, what doesn't work and how to build on these two to function progressively.

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